Certification & Reliability
ChargeHolidays has many accredited partners thriving towards sustainable tourism and a greener, healthier planet. The eco-tourism sector has a large impact on this goal. However, it is not easy to behave sustainably – neither as an accommodation nor as a traveler. In the label jungle of more than 150 certificates, many accommodations do not know which standard to choose and travelers have no idea what they can trust and how to detect Greenwashing. The Global Sustainable Tourism Council lists several standards which are well proven. At ChargeHolidays we cooperate with these certifiers mapping them directly to our Dreamcatcher matrix so that everyone can easily compare different accommodations with different standards. Since many smaller and family-lead accommodations however do not have the capacity on a financial and employee basis, we offer the free Sustainable Dreamcatcher Check.
Hover over the individual icons to learn more about each certificate!
Green Key
Green Key
Green Hospitality
Green Hospitality
Green Globe
Green Globe
Österreichisches Umweltzeichen (Austrian Sustainability Sign)
Österreichisches Umweltzeichen (Austrian Sustainability Sign)
Hilton Light Stay (ISO)
Hilton Light Stay (ISO)
Asian Ecotourism Network
Asian Ecotourism Network
Learn more about sustainable travel certification
Our partners have been recognized by the GSTC, proving regularly their sustainable friendly behavior.
What is GSTC? The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) https://www.gstcouncil.org was established by UN agencies together with NGOs and the private sector to act as an independent organization. GSTC-Accredited means that the certification procedures meet international standards for transparency, impartiality, and competence.
This makes it easier for you to make a conscious booking decision!