Design Thinking meets Sustainability

Being open-minded for change

The aim of ChargeHorizons is to revolutionize the travel industry in a sustainable way. But, we can not do that alone. Consequently, we want to create the mind-set of sustainable change in the heads of everyone showing that sustainable travel is not a burden and means to relinquish all the enjoyable parts of a trip but on the contrary that it can help everyone to discover new great aspects in organising, conducting and remembering the journey.

What is Design Thinking?

Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test. These are the five phases which Design Thinking Processes undergo. The heart of this technique is the interaction between and the combination of those phases, since Design Thinking is not a linear process but instead consists of ongoing iterations. That way, Design Thinking is a highly effective method to develop long lasting solutions. 

Why does design thinking fit for making a sustainable change?

It is difficult to understand and address rapid changes, but Design Thinking is perfectly suited to those complex problems that change quickly and constantly. Not many topics exist that are equally demanding as environmental and social sustainability. Design Thinking is also famous for putting the people in its center, in order to find individual solutions for each and every one. Those aspects perfectly match the topic of sustainable trips. Everyone who travels has different obstacles to meet. Every group that tours has specific needs and wishes. Every business traveler has other cultural aspects to keep in mind. Coaching within the frameworks of Design Thinking process lies the best fundament of creating individualized sustainable trips 

The logo of CourTert - one of our certification partners

For Artists

Getting from one venue to the next, building up a stage, offering food in place, using water and energy on the way… when artists are traveling throughout the whole world, this is incredibly exciting and brings a lot of joy and fun to the fans. No matter if you are a band, circus, acrobatic group, or solo singer. We help you to design your whole tour in a sustainable way. We give you creative hints and develop together with you the most suitable measurements fitting you individually. We also help you communicate transparently your effort and compensate for the CO2 footprint together with your fans and spectators. Do you want to have a small appetizer?

For Business Travelers

No matter if you are an individual business traveler wanting to learn how to behave more sustainably or you are a whole company. We provide you with coaching in any case. Do you want to attract skillful employees by providing them the chance to travel sustainably when starting to work at your business? Do you want to impress the end customers, giving them transparent insights into the sustainable behavior of the whole supply chain, including the business trips you are conducting?

For Schools

Traveling is exciting. For adults, the same as for children. It is their future that we need to respect, so why not involve them directly? With the help of our three mascots, we created a fun way of giving insights about sustainable traveling to children of every age. No matter if we should visit you in class, holiday workshops or summer camps. We contribute to the understanding of every child and make them confident advocates for the behavior of their parents and friends.

Our Special: ChargeWedding

Ever thought about encouraging your wedding guests to share their cars instead of all arriving at the venue individually? We offer you personalized coordination with all relevant stakeholders from the engagement ring up to the honeymoon. That way, you can lay back and enjoy the preparations as well as the marvelous event itself – and all of this without a pang of consciousness. If you want to get a small teaser, we invite you to read our blog articles about sustainable weddings.

The coach

Lilith loves to inspire others and share her knowledge. In her creative way and with her skills about problem solving she always finds the right attitude to support people and groups individually.  She is an experienced Design Thinking as well as Sustainability coach. Besides her training within the Global Design Thinking Weeks “From Inspiration to Ideas” as well as “Human-Centered Design and Strategic Futures” at the HPI School of Design Thinking she has already gained a lot of practical experience. Among others, she has been responsible for the Social Innovation Track at the mental health initiative “On the Move” working together with people from all over the world, including Design Thinkers from Ghana and Kenya. No matter whether physical or online coaching, she has also helped at international online Design Thinking festivals and applied her knowledge at the social innovation consulting company syspons. Above, she is a sustainability coach certified by netzwerk n and has travelled all over Europe to help initiatives becoming more sustainable friendly. At the organisation ijgd she is coaching international teams as well as involved in the apprenticeship of the group leaders themselves. Concerning the work with children and youth she has been engaged as lecturer at child universities and holiday camps regarding scientific as well as social topics.