There is not one romantic movie telling about a wedding without a scene in which all friends gather around in a dress store and comment on the beautiful dresses the bride is trying on. We all may agree upon the fact that the dress for that special day shall be selected carefully. However, is it really necessary that the outfit is only worn that one day in your life? Fashion is doing a lot of harm to our environment and the conditions of its production is highly unsocial. Hence, we should be careful when selecting the clothes for the future spouse as well as bride planning their wedding party.

93% of brands in the textile industry aren’t paying their garment workers a living wage.

Firstly, by finding suitable clothes for the wedding event, you can keep in mind whether you may wear these items also on different occasions in the future. If not, maybe lending a wedding outfit is an option for you. There are some businesses offering to lend dresses, jackets and more and adapt it to exactly your body shape. Above that, you can think about handing your dress away or selling it after your wedding party. Maybe pictures will be a reminder nice enough and you do not need to store the tissue for the rest of its lifetime becoming bored within your wardrobe. It may be happy to be refilled with life and love at the next wedding from another person.

Three out of five fast fashion garments end up in a landfill within a year of purchase.

Also, a second-hand dress can be the right choice. Maybe in your family there is still someone owning his or her wedding outfit and you can adapt it to your shape and taste? Or you may have a nice piece of clothes in your wardrobe which you like particularly and which can be adapted to the festivity? Local gifted tailors may enchant the piece of textile in a magical way and revive the tissues with a new life. There is no better chance to get a unique and personalized outfit. No matter if it is for the bride or the groom.

The fashion industry is responsible for an estimated 8-10% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

In case you buy new clothes, you should consider the material of the clothes as well as the conditions under which they are produced. Is the brand transparently displaying its supply chain? You can keep an eye on whether the cotton – if used – is from biological farms. In the growing process as well as harvesting on many plantations, child labor is common. Also, during the manufacturing, human rights may be neglected. Thus, watch out for labels, such as the green button certifying textiles according to 46 criteria in the field of social as well as environmental responsibility. You can additionally approach the vendor and ask him to give you details about the life cycle of the textiles you are about to buy.
Some brands additionally support carbon offset initiatives for CO2-neutralizing the process of production as well as the transportation.

Only 13% of clothing and footwear is recycled.


Invitations for your loved ones are the first entry into the big event. Whether you send them as a surprise, or friends and family have already been awaiting this particular piece of art for weeks or months. When designing the card, you can already focus on sustainable effects which may occur in the printing process. The best way is, to decide on a printing shop first. There are a bundle of sustainable options, such as “Umweltdruckerei” which focusses on using recycled paper, as well as colours which are not harmful to the environment. “Matabooks” for instance prints on vegan grasspaper and offers beautiful themes. You can also think about whether a printed card is necessary. Maybe an invitation in the form of a video or a nice animation is even more interesting and you can text it to your friends and family?
You can also step out of the traditional way of wearing a ring, buy deciding for a tattoo instead. When choosing sustainable friendly colors, you avoid a lot of negative impact. Moreover, a tattoo can be more comfortable and practical as well. Boring that you cannot put on the wedding ring in the moment of your wedding and scared of  missing the “wow”-effect? Try out to use different technices, like wearing gloves which you then can uncover for surprising your guests.
“The environmental effects of paper production include deforestation, the use of enormous amounts of energy and water as well as air pollution and waste problems. Paper accounts for around 26% of total waste at landfills.” – The World Counts
“A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it.”
John Steinbeck

Lilith Diringer

Our CEO Lilith is fascinated how many aspects can be designed in a sustainable way when getting married. She is eager to discover new sustainability hacks every day and likes to share her research and experience with you.