Sustainable efforts

No single-use items

At the summit we offer “reusables”: reusable cutlery, plates, and cups. Additionally, we encourage people to refill their bottles using the delicious and healthy tap-water of Hamburg. Keeping in mind that on average a plastic cup needs 0,2 kg CO2e, a paper cup 0.11 kg CO2e and a plastic plate 0,3 kg CO2e, with our 200 participants we save 792 kg CO2e. 

Our catering is 100 % vegan. This allows everybody to taste a diverse range of dishes which are healthy for the participants and the environment. That way we save 2372 kg CO2e compared to a 100 % meat diet. Additionally, we are cautious to choose seasonal and local produce, saving pollution from transportation and cooling. 

100 % vegan catering with local touch

Use of public transportation 

Our chosen venue does not provide parking. We encourage and facilitate to commute to and from the venue using public transportation which is reachable by foot from the closes bus station within 5 minutes. 

We do not produce or build any stage elements or constructions specially for this event. The only item which needs to be produced is based on reusable fabric. 

Only recycable constructions

Access for everyone

We aim to maximize our social sustainability. Hence, we try to need everybody’s needs and accommodations so that everybody who wants, gets the chance to participate in the conference. (add details about having parts hybrid/online; accessible entrances at the venue;  translators for deaf participants; … whatever measures Ashoka has taken). 

Our mission is to empower sustainability in every step during the conference. Food waste is common in conferences and is especially critical to reduce when knowing that 2,54 t CO2 are emitted per ton of food waste. Hence, we take several steps to ensure a minimization of food waste including:

– smaller portion sizes

– encouraging and reminding guests of not taking too much and throwing it away 

–  inviting guests to bring their own leftover boxes and enabling them to take leftovers from the buffet before it is cleared 

– cooperating with foodsharing who take the leftovers at the end of every conference day

No food waste


Wit 70 speakers at Novotel and 10 team members at Superbude for three nights each, the estimated CO2e for the accommodation amounts to … t CO2. We have compensated with … (falls es geplant ist, oder: we encouraged everyone to compensate…) We provided guidelines to those as well as the participants who organized their stay on their own in order to behave sustainably, including tips on how to save energy and water during their stay. 

The Changemaker Summit refrains from printing. The participants will navigate the Event via our NAME App which provides a unique user experience and has been programmed with a low energy need (if that is the case, otherwise delete it). That way, paper which is used for program notes or leaflet as common at conferences is saved. The only item which was print, are the name tags. In their design the need of ink was minimized. The print was done in cooperation with matabooks offering a low emission print on vegan grass paper with non-hazarduous ink.  

No prints

Our mission 

Text about the mission of Ashoka/Purpose of the Changemaker-Summit: SDG pictures can be replaced by other pictures, icons, … Lorem ipsem sum Lorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sumLorem ipsem sum